International Customers Order Instruction

If you are not in the USA, you cannot Check out  an order on because of some reasons: cannot process credit card, cannot check  out with international address. Please read careful instruction below for easy to order nail supply at   you are not in the United States.

First: create an account on our website and make sure everything bellow is correct before you start the order.

  1. Your first name and last name
  2. Company name (if you have one)
  3. Address
  4. City
  5. State/Province
  6. Postal Code
  7. Country
  8. Phone number
  9. Email address

Seond: add products you want to the shopping cart and then check out. When it ask for credit card information, just put some random number in there and hit check out. By doing this, we can see your order. We will reply you back as soon as possible,

We will email you the shipping fee, if you agree the shipping fee, you need to clear the payment  by wire transfer  to our bank account, whthen we will ship out your order. as soon as possible.

Thank for your suport.