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Lace Art - NSA16-W
Giá Giá: $8.00Giá: $10.50Giá: $10.00Giá: $10.00Giá: $10.00Giá: $10.00Giá: $0.99
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Trọng lượng 0.50 (LBS)0.50 (LBS)1.00 (LBS)1.00 (LBS)1.00 (LBS)1.00 (LBS)0.10 (LBS)
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How to Apply Nitro Dip Powder:

Step 1: Shape nail with a dry manicure by pushing back cuticles and lightly buffing the nail bed. Apply No. 1 Bonder to the clean nail.

Step 2: Apply a thin coat of No. 2 Color Base over the entire nail. Then dip nail into Dip Powder Color of your choice, tap off excess.

Step 3: Repeat the step 2 for the second time. And then apply No. 3 Activator over powdered nails. Let air dry for 1-2 minutes, then file and shape nail.

Step 4: Apply No. 4 Shiny Top as thin as possible. Let air dry and repeat the same for the second time.

Step 5: Apply No. 5 Vitamin Oil to nourish cuticle nail area and then massage the hands to finish.


Kinetics Duo


Kinetics Duo


Kinetics Duo


Kinetics Duo

Lace Art - NSA16-W 
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